Inflected imperatives in Dutch dialects. 2025. With Marjo van Koppen. Ms. KU Leuven/Meertens Institute/Utrecht University.
Degrees and manners as quantifying over kinds: Evidence from Dutch equatives. With Jianrong Yu, Lena Heynen, and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. Ms. KU Leuven.
Phase voidance through movement. Clitic interactions in Dutch dialects. 2018. Ms. KU Leuven/Meertens Institute. With Marjo van Koppen.
Idioms: phasehood and projection. 2016. With Will Harwood, Marko Hladnik, Sterre Leufkens, Tanja Temmerman, and Norbert Corver.
Ellipsis, identity, and accommodation. 2012. Ms. KU Leuven HUBrussel.
to appear
Sloppy symmetry under ellipsis. To appear. With Kyle Johnson. To appear in The Linguistic Review.
Pronominal gender in Dutch: apparent time change in lexical vs. semantic agreement. To appear. With Kristel Doreleijers and Marjo van Koppen. Journal of Germanic Linguistics.
Quantitative approaches to syntactic variation. In Barbiers, S., N. Corver, and M. Polinsky. The Cambridge Handbook of Comparative Syntax. Cambridge: CUP.
Subject doubling, clitic pronouns, and the left periphery in Dutch dialects. With Marjo van Koppen. Quaderni di lavoro ASIt – ASIt working papers 25: 713–739.
Raupen doeng 't holleken gaupen: voedselgerelateerde idiomen in Nederlandse en Vlaamse dialecten. 2023. With Stef Grondelaers. Irene van Renswoude et al. (eds). 2023. Wat schaft de pot? Eetcultuur in Nederland door de jaren heen. Sterck & De Vreese. 41–56.
Wat riekt het hier zwallig! Geurwoorden in het Nederlands en zijn dialecten. 2022. With Leonie Cornips, Nicoline van der Sijs, and Jos Swanenberg. Caro Verbeek et al. (eds). 2023. NeusWijzer. Geuratlas van de Lage Landen. 163–174.
Parameters and language contact: morphosyntactic variation in Dutch dialects. With Marjo van Koppen. Catalan Journal of Linguistics 22:1–25.
Dutch specCP-expletives are main clause complementizers. The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 25:385–416.
Obligatory extraposition and clausal complementation. In: Bourgoin, Charlotte and Vandelanotte, Lieven Van Praet, Wout Verstraete, Jean-Christophe (ed.). Signs and wonders: Liber amicorum for Kristin Davidse. Leuven. 111–119.
The syntax and semantics of Dutch diminishers. With Dany Jaspers and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. Rivista di Grammatica Generativa, 44:1–24.
Recent developments in Phase Theory. Editor together with Cora Pots and Tanja Temmerman. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Recent developments in Phase Theory. Introductory remarks. With Cora Pots and Tanja Temmerman. In: Craenenbroeck, J. van, C. Pots, and T. Temmerman (eds.), Recent developments in Phase Theory. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Introduction: The compositionality and syntactic flexibility of verbal idioms. With Norbert Corver, William Harwood, Marko Hladnik, Sterre Leufkens, and Tanja Temmerman. Linguistics 57(4): 725-733.
A quantitative-theoretical analysis of syntactic microvariation. Word order in Dutch verb clusters. With Marjo van Koppen and Antal van den Bosch. Language 95(2): 333-370.
Dialectologie en Nederlandse zinsbouw. Nederlandse Taalkunde 24(1): 39-68.
Synchronie en diachronie in de Nederlandse zinsbouw. Nederlandse Taalkunde 24(1): 75-78.
Expletives, locatives, and subject doubling. In: Franco, Ludovico and Paolo Lorusso (eds.), Linguistic variation: structure and interpretation. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 661-690.
Clause-initial subject doubling in Dutch dialects. (Or: Liliane was right after all). With Marjo van Koppen. In: Bağrıaçık, M., A. Breitbarth, and K. De Clercq (eds.), Mapping Linguistic Data. Essays in honour of Liliane Haegeman. Ghent: Faculty of Arts and Philosophy.
Basisbegrippen taalkunde. Morfologie en syntaxis. With Hans Smessaert and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. Leuven: ACCO.
Theoretische taalkunde in het digitale tijdperk. A match made in heaven. With Marjo van Koppen. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde 135(4): 416-432.
Over corpora, intuïties, en idiomen. With Tanja Temmerman. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde 135(4): 453-464.
The Oxford Handbook of Ellipsis. Editor together with Tanja Temmerman. New York: Oxford University Press.
The study of ellipsis in natural language: empirical and theoretical perspectives. With Tanja Temmerman. In: Craenenbroeck, J. van and T. Temmerman (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Ellipsis. New York: Oxford University Press. 1-16.
Spatial deixis and pivot puzzles. In: Ceuppens, Jan, Hans Smessaert, Jeroen van Craenenbroeck, and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd (eds.), A coat of many colours. Leuven: CRISSP. 370-380.
VP-ellipsis. In Everaert, Martin & Henk van Riemsdijk (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Syntax. 2nd edition. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. 1-35.
Sluicing as sharing. In: LaCara, Nicholas, Keir Moulton, and Anne-Michelle Tessier (eds.), A Schrift to Fest Kyle Johnson. Linguistics Open Access Publications 1. Massachusetts: ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst. 389-399.
How (not) to elide negation. With Tanja Temmerman. Syntax 20(1): 41-76.
De syntaxis en semantiek van diminishers in het Nederlands en het Duits. With Dany Jaspers and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. Leuvense Bijdragen 99-100, 87-108.
Formele semantiek. Een inleiding in de formele analyse van betekenis. With Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. Amsterdam University Press.
How to merge a root. With Marijke De Belder. Linguistic Inquiry 46:4, 625-655.
On diagnosing complement-taking roots. Theoretical Linguistics 40:3–4, 361–373.
On Vocabulary Insertion. With Marijke De Belder. Linguistic Analysis 39:1–2, 173–210.
Long split focalization in Hungarian and the typology of A’-dependencies. With Adrienn Jánosi and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. Lingua 150, 117–136.
Ellipsis phenomena. With Jason Merchant. In: M. den Dikken (ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Generative Syntax, 701–745. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
What Sluicing Can do, What it Can’t, and in Which Language: on the cross-linguistic syntax of ellipsis. With Anikó Lipták. In: L. L.-S. Cheng & N. Corver (eds.), Diagnosing syntax, 502–536. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
How do you sluice when there is more than one CP? In: J. Merchant & A. Simpson (eds.), Sluicing. Cross-Linguistic Perspectives, 40–67. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Comparative Germanic Syntax: the state of the art. With P. Ackema, R. Alcorn, C. Heycock, D. Jaspers & G. Vanden Wyngaerd. In: Ackema, P., R. Alcorn, C. Heycock, D. Jaspers, J. van Craenenbroeck, & G. Vanden Wyngaerd (eds.), Comparative Germanic Syntax: the state of the art, ix–xvi. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Comparative Germanic Syntax: the state of the art. Editor together with P. Ackema, R. Alcorn, C. Heycock, D. Jaspers & G. Vanden Wyngaerd. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Linguistic Variation Yearbook 10. Editor together with Johan Rooryck. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Invisible Last Resort. A note on clefts as the underlying source for sluicing. Lingua 120:7, 1714–1726.
Complex wh-phrases don’t move. On the interaction between the split CP-hypothesis and the syntax of wh-movement. In: P. Panagiotidis (ed.), The complementizer phase. Subjects and operators, 236–260. New York: Oxford University Press.
Initiële verstemlozing bij tientallen. With Johan Rooryck and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. In: J. De Caluwe & J. Van Keymeulen (eds.), Voor Magda. Artikelen voor Magda Devos bij haar afscheid van de Universiteit Gent, 505–516. Gent: Academia.
The syntax of ellipsis: evidence from Dutch dialects. New York: Oxford University Press.
Linguistic Variation Yearbook 9. Editor together with Johan Rooryck. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Advances in comparative Germanic syntax (review). Language, 86:4, 940–943.
Alternatives to cartography: an introduction. In: J. van Craenenbroeck (ed.), Alternatives to cartography, 1–14. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Alternatives to cartography. Editor. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Linguistic Variation Yearbook 8. Editor together with Johan Rooryck. Amsterdam:John Benjamins.
Pronominal doubling in Dutch dialects: big DPs and coordinations. With Marjo van Koppen .In: S. Barbiers e.a. (eds.). Microvariation in syntactic doubling. Syntax and Semantics vol. 36, 207–249. Bingley: Emerald.
Linguistic Variation Yearbook 7. Editor together with Johan Rooryck. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
On the interaction between verb movement and ellipsis: new evidence from Hungarian. With Anikó Lipták. In: C. B. Yang and H. J. Haynie (eds.), Proceedings of the 26th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, 138–146. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla.
The syntax of nonsententials: multidisciplinary perspectives. Review article of L. Progovac e.a. (eds.), Linguistics Today 93. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Journal of Linguistics 44:1, 261–266.
Theorie, empirie en subjectverdubbeling: een antwoord op Haegeman (2004). With Marjo van Koppen. Taal & Tongval 59, 149–171.
The derivation of subject-initial V2. With Liliane Haegeman. Linguistic Inquiry 38:1, 167–178.
Linguistic Variation Yearbook 6. Editor together with Pierre Pica and Johan Rooryck. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Simplex and complex wh-phrases in a split CP. In: M. Elliott, J. Kirby, O. Sawada, E. Staraki & S. Yoon (eds.), Proceedings from the annual meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society 43, 155–168. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society.
Ellipsis and EPP repair. With Marcel den Dikken. Linguistic Inquiry 37:4, 653–664.
The cross-linguistic syntax of sluicing: evidence from Hungarian relatives. With Anikó Lipták. Syntax 9:3, 248–274.
Transitivity failures in the left periphery and foot-driven movement operations. Linguistics in the Netherlands, 52–64.
Linguistic Variation Yearbook 5. Editor together with Pierre Pica and Johan Rooryck. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Clitics, agreement and ellipsis in Dutch dialects. Leiden Papers in Linguistics 1:1, 1–19.
Adverbial modification under sluicing. In: K. Choi & C. Yim (eds.), Ellipsis in Minimalism, 77–102. Seoul: Hankook.
Ellipsis in Hungarian and the typology of sluicing. With Anikó Lipták. In: K. Choi & C. Yim (eds.), Ellipsis in Minimalism, 103–133. Seoul: Hankook.
Linguistic Variation Yearbook 4. Editor together with Pierre Pica and Johan Rooryck. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Congruentie en lokaliteit in de Nederlandse dialecten. With Marjo van Koppen. Taal & Tongval Themanummer Dialectsyntaxis, 63–86.
Verb Movement and the Syntax of Kashmiri. Review van R. M. Bhatt, Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 46. Kluwer. Lingua 113, 303–313.
Van as a marker of dissociation: Microvariation in Dutch. In: C. J.-W. Zwart & W. Abraham (eds.). Studies in Comparative Germanic Syntax, 41–67. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Pronominal doubling and the structure of the left periphery in southern Dutch. With Marjo van Koppen. In: S. Barbiers, L. Cornips & S. van der Kleij (eds.), Syntactic Microvariation, 280–304.
Subject doubling in Dutch dialects. With Marjo van Koppen. In: M. van Koppen, E. Thrift, E.-J. van der Torre & M. Zimmermann (eds.), Proceedings of ConSOLE IX, 54–67. Leiden: SOLE.
Een editie van de fragmenten van de Roman van Heinrich en Margriete van Limborch. With L. De Wachter, R. Schlusemann, and R. Sleiderink. Antwerpse Studies over Nederlandse Literatuurgeschiedenis, 6. Leuven: Peeters.
Complementerend van: een voorbeeld van syntactische variatie in het Nederlands. Nederlandse Taalkunde 5, 133–163.