How to build complex verbs in Dutch. A Nanosyntactic account of pre/post‐asymmetries in Dutch verbalization. With Cora Cavirani-Pots. SyntaxLab, University of Cambridge, 21 January 2025.
Pre/post-asymmetries in Dutch verbalizers. With Cora Cavirani-Pots. ICL workshop Prefixes and Suffixes in Current Theories of Grammar, Poznan, 13 September 2024.
Syntactic microvariation in Limburg. Zooming in on the pronominal system. With Marjo van Koppen. Limburg as a linguistic laboratory. Genk, 26–27 September 2024. (invited)
Limits on participant switching. With Kyle Johnson. Workshop on argument structure, case and agreement, and ellipsis at the 32nd Colloquium on Generative Grammar, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Vitoria-Gasteiz, 26 April 2023.
Sloppy symmetry: a derivational account of symmetric predicates. With Kyle Johnson. 32nd Colloquium on Generative Grammar, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Vitoria-Gasteiz, 24–25 April 2023.
Seeking order in chaos: morphosyntactic variation in Dutch dialects. With Marjo van Koppen. LinG Colloquium Universität Göttingen, 16 June 2022. (invited)
Untangling morphosyntactic variation in Dutch dialects. With Marjo van Koppen. Chicago Linguistic Society 58, 22–24 April 2022.
SpecCP-expletives are main clause complementisers. Chicago Linguistic Society 58, 22–24 April 2022. (poster)
Morphosyntactic microvariation in Dutch: a quantitative-parametric approach. With Marjo van Koppen. Research seminar Goethe Universität Frankfurt an Main, 8 February 2022. (invited)
Against the in situ account of sluicing: the case of French. With Tanja Temmerman. NELS 50. MIT, Boston, US, 25-27 October 2019. (poster)
Untangling microvariation. A quantitative-qualitative analysis of morphosyntactic variation in Dutch dialects. With Marjo van Koppen. European Dialect Syntax Workshop IX. Glasgow, Scotland, 22-23 March 2019. (invited)
Quantity and quality in microvariational research. Expletives and morphosyntactic variation in Dutch dialects. With Marjo van Koppen. There is more. Workshop on variation in expletives. Utrecht, the Netherlands, 6 November 2018. (invited)
Discovering parameters. From micro- to macrovariation. With Marjo van Koppen. Lecture series at the summer school Limits of variability. Potsdam, Germany, 20-22 June 2018. (invited)
Complementizer variation in Dutch dialects. With Marjo van Koppen. Workshop on syntax and language variation. Utrecht, the Netherlands, 8 June 2018. (invited)
Quantity and quality in microvariational research. With Marjo van Koppen. Colloquium talk. University of Potsdam, 6 February 2018. (invited)
Dialectologie en Nederlandse zinsbouw. Dag van de Nederlandse zinsbouw. Leiden University, 8 December 2017. (invited)
A double interface asymmetry: expletive doubling in Dutch dialects. Biolinguistic Conference on Interface Asymmetries. New York, US, 10-12 November 2017.
A micro-perspective on variation and universals. With Marjo van Koppen. Variation and Universals in Language. The implications of typological evidence for formal grammar. Crecchio, Italy, 9-11 June, 2017. (invited)
Expletives in space. Workshop on the (in)flexibility of syntactic categories. Utrecht, the Netherlands, 2 June 2017. (invited)
Look! Kaatje is still not heard sing a song (even without government). With Marjo van Koppen. GLOW-workshop "What happened to government?". Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 18 March 2017. (invited)
Quantity and quality in linguistics (Or: Tackling a microvariationist's frustrations). CRISSP 10. Brussels, Belgium, 15 December 2016.
Microvariation and parameters hierarchies. With Marjo van Koppen. CGSW 31. Stellenbosch, South Africa, 1-3 December 2016.
Qualitatively and quantitatively correlating microvariation: parameter interactions in Dutch dialects. With Marjo van Koppen. CamCos 5. Cambridge, UK, 5-7 May, 2016.
A microparameter in a nanoparametric world. With Marjo van Koppen. GLOW 39. Göttingen, Germany, 5-8 April 2016. (poster)
Handle your verb clusters with care. Dealing with bad data in linguistic theory. Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 17-19 March 2016. (invited)
The syntax of idioms: a cross-dialectal perspective. With Norbert Corver, Will Harwood, Marko Hladnik, Sterre Leufkens, and Tanja Temmerman. Linguistics in the Netherlands. Utrecht, the Netherlands, 6 February 2016.
Lexical items moving up the tree: grammaticalization of ECM-verbs in Dutch. With Marjo van Koppen. DiGS 17. Reykjavík, Iceland, 29-31 May 2015. (poster)
Verb clusters redux. CGSW 30. Chicago, US, 22-23 May 2015. (invited)
When statistics met formal linguistics: variation in Dutch verb clusters. GLOW 38. Paris, France, 15-17 April 2015.
Quantity and quality in linguistic variation: the case of verb clusters. Research seminar talk. Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales, Paris, France, 6 February 2015. (invited)
Quantifying dialect Dutch verb clusters. Dialect syntax: the state of the art. Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 5-6 December 2014.
When Flanders met Brabant. Microvariation in the Dutch C-domain. With Marjo van Koppen. Variation in C. Venice, Italy, 21-22 October 2014. (invited)
Reverse dialectometry: geography as a probe into linguistic theory. Maps and grammar workshop. Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 17-18 September 2014.
Reverse dialectometry: verb cluster variation in Dutch. Methods in dialectology XV, Groningen, the Netherlands, 11-15 August 2014.
The signal and the noise in Dutch verb clusters: a quantitative search for microparameters. What happened to Principles & Parameters? Arezzo, Italy, 3-5 July 2014. (invited)
Applying quantitative methods to dialect Dutch verb clusters. Mapping methods: approaches to language studies, Tartu, Estonia, 8-10 May 2014.
On functional vocabulary items in root positions. With Marijke De Belder. DGfS 2014 Workshop on Labels and Roots, Marburg, Germany, 5-7 March 2014.
Ellipsis, accommodation, and identity. Identity in Ellipsis Conference, Leiden, the Netherlands, 19-20 September 2013. (invited)
Lexical items merged in functional heads. The grammaticalization path of ECM-verbs in Dutch dialects. With Marjo van Koppen. GLOW 36 Workshop on Syntactic Variation and Change, Lund, Sweden, 2 April 2013.
Tag questions and ellipsis. With Matt Barros. DGfS 2013 Workshop “Parentheses and ellipsis: cross-linguistic and theoretical perspectives”, Potsdam, Germany, 13-15 March 2013.
Object clitic movement feeds subject doubling. An anti-intervention effect in Dutch dialects. With Marjo van Koppen. DGfS 2013 Workshop “Interaction of syntactic primitives”, Potsdam, Germany, 13-15 March 2013.
Negative indefinites are the result of remerge and fusion: Support from ellipsis. With Tanja Temmerman. International Workshop Ellipsis2012, Vigo, Spain, 9-10 November 2012.
How to void a phase. Anti-intervention effects with clitic doubling in Dutch dialects. With Marjo van Koppen. Complementizer agreement workshop, Ghent, Belgium, 17 October 2012. (invited)
Three challenges for nanosyntax. CASTL Decennium - Nanosyntax Workshop, Tromsø, Norway, 14 September 2012. (invited)
Quirky interactions between ellipsis and negation. With Tanja Temmerman. Quirky ellipsis workshop, Groningen, the Netherlands, 15 November 2011. (invited)
Expletives in Germanic. From micro to macro. Colloquium talk, University of Tromsø, Norway, 27 October 2011. (invited)
How to merge a root. With Marijke De Belder. Workshop on roots and categories, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 1 September 2011.
Germanic expletives revisited. In pursuit of Kayne’s dream. CGSW 26, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 23-24 June 2011. (invited)
Multidominance meets morphology. Leiden Syntax Circle, Leiden, the Netherlands, 8 June 2011. (invited)
How (not) to elide negation. With Tanja Temmerman. NELS 41, Philadelphia, US, 23-24 October 2010.
Piecing together the ellipsis puzzle. Towards identifying and unifying ellipsis licensers. Linguistics Colloquium, UMass at Amherst, US, 2 April 2010. (invited)
Subject doubling: discussant section. With Marjo van Koppen. Edisyn workshop on the comparative syntax of doubling, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 6-7 May 2009. (invited)
Pronominal doubling in Dutch dialects. With Marjo van Koppen. Edisyn workshop on the comparative syntax of doubling, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 6-7 May 2009. (invited)
Ellipsis and accommodation. The morphological case of sluicing. Departmental Seminar, UCL, Great Britain, 29 April 2009. (invited)
Ellipsis and accommodation. The morphological case of sluicing. Linguistics Colloquium, UMass at Amherst, US, 10 April 2009. (invited)
Diagnosing ellipsis and ellipsis as a diagnostic. On the cross-linguistic syntax of sluicing. With Anikó Lipták. Colloquium talk, Princeton University, US, 6 April 2009. (invited)
Ellipsis and accommodation. The morphological case of sluicing. Linguistics Colloquium, MIT, US, 3 April 2009. (invited)
When even repair fails: sluicing, clefts and LF-copy. DGfS Workshop on ’Repairs’, Osnabrück, Germany, 4-6 March 2009.
What sluicing can do, what it can’t and where. On the cross-linguistic syntax of ellipsis. With Anikó Lipták. Diagnosing syntax: perspectives, procedures and tools. Leiden & Utrecht, the Netherlands, 29-31 January 2009. (invited)
What does silence look like? On the unpronounced syntax of sluicing. Syntax Reading Group, University of Chicago, US, 5 December 2008. (invited)
About something. Towards a syntactic decomposition of polarity. Syntax Supper, CUNY Graduate Center, US, 25 November 2008. (invited)
On becoming a pronoun. Towards a unified theory of ellipsis. With Mark Baltin. The 10th CUNY/SUNY/NYU/YU-miniconference. New York, US, 22 November 2008.
Much ado about something. Polarity, widening and N-of-N. Brown Bag talk, NYU, US, 21 November 2008.
On becoming a pronoun. With Mark Baltin. Brown Bag talk, NYU, US, 7 november 2008.
More ado about nothing: sluicing, copular clauses and case. Colloquium talk, UC Santa Cruz, US, 17 October 2008. (invited)
Invisible optionality: on the recoverability and licensing requirements of sluicing. Linguistics Colloquium, Yale University, US, 13 October 2008. (invited)
On the limits of elliptical repair: sluicing, clefts and LF-copy. MUST-talk, Utrecht University, the Netherlands, 11 April 2008. (invited)
There’s something about something. A polarity sensitive N-of-N-construction in dialect Dutch. Linguistics in the Netherlands, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 2 February 2008.
Invisible syntax. Sluicing, clefts and LF-copy. Syntax Seminar, University of Leiden, 19 December 2007. (invited)
What lies beneath. On the hidden syntax of sluicing. Brown Bag talk, NYU, New York, US, 7 December 2007. (invited)
Something about something. Manufacturing polarity items in Dutch. Workshop on Microvariation in DP, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 5 October 2007. (invited)
Object agreement and raising in dialect Dutch imperatives. With Marjo van Koppen. CGSW 22, Stuttgart, Germany, 8-9 June 2007.
Ellipsis bleeding movement: the interrogative suffix -e in Hungarian. With Anikó Lipták. The 8th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian, New York, US, 24-26 May 2007.
Where do wh-phrases go in a split CP? CLS 43, Chicago, US, 3-5 May 2007.
PF-deletion vs. pro: towards a unified theory of ellipsis. LingLunch talk, University of Chicago, US, 1 May 2007. (invited)
On the interaction between verb movement and ellipsis: new evidence from Hungarian. With Anikó Lipták. WCCFL 26, Berkeley, US, 27-29 April 2007.
Feature inheritance and multiple phase boundaries. With Marjo van Koppen. GLOW 30, Tromsø, Norway, 11-14 April 2007.
Transitivity in the Venetian left periphery: a challenge for cartography. The 2nd Cambridge Italian Dialect Syntax Meeting, Cambridge, Great Britain, 26-27 January 2007.
Silence in the left periphery: on the cross-linguistic syntax of sluicing. With Anikó Lipták. Edges in Syntax, Cyprus, 15-17 May 2006.
Complex wh-phrases don’t move: the interaction between the split CP-hypothesis and the syntax of wh-movement. Edges in Syntax, Cyprus, 15-17 May 2006.
Repel your way out of transitivity failures. Seminar Grammatical Models Group, University of Tilburg, the Netherlands, 11 April 2006. (invited)
Clitic doubling and coordination: towards a micro-typology of pronominal doubling in Dutch dialects. With Marjo van Koppen. Syntactic Doubling in European Dialects Workshop, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 16-18 March 2006.
Transitivity failures in the left periphery and foot-driven movement chains. Linguistics in the Netherlands, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 4 February 2006.
Verb movement bled by ellipsis: morphological evidence from Hungarian. Linguistics in the Netherlands, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 4 February 2006.
Empty relatives and the typology of sluicing. With Anikó Lipták. Sounds of Silence workshop, Tilburg, the Netherlands, 19-22 October 2005.
Guess what about exactly? Adverbial modifiers and the syntax of sluicing. Sounds of Silence workshop, Tilburg, the Netherlands, 19-22 October 2005.
The verb leaves IP in subject initial V2. With Liliane Haegeman. Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Association of Great Britain, Cambridge, Great Britain, 22 August 2005.
Adverbial modification under sluicing. Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar. Seoul, South Korea, 8-11 August 2005.
Ellipsis in Hungarian and the typology of sluicing. With Anikó Lipták. Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar. Seoul, South Korea, 8-11 August 2005.
If control raises, it fails to copy, reconstruct or linearize. With Johan Rooryck and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. New horizons in the grammar of raising and control. Harvard, US, 8-10 July 2005.
PF-deletion versus pro: a tentative and speculative bird’s eye view. Workshop on ellipsis, gaps and empty categories, Leiden, the Netherlands, 5 October 2004.
PF-deletion versus pro: new evidence from Dutch dialects. Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain, Roehampton, Great Britain, 1 September 2004.
Stranding under sluicing and the structure of the left periphery in Germanic. University of Tübingen, Germany, 20 July 2004. (invited)
Stranding under sluicing. 34th annual meeting of the North-Eastern Linguistic Society (NELS), Stony Brook, US, 7-9 November 2003.
Sluicing in Dutch dialects and the structure of the left periphery. 18th Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop (CGSW), Durham, Great Britain, 18-20 September 2003.
Congruentie en lokaliteit in de Nederlandse dialecten. With Marjo van Koppen. Taal en Tongval Colloquium, Ghent, Belgium, 8 November 2002.
C-agreement. With Marjo van Koppen. Hungarian-Dutch workshop, Leiden, the Netherlands, 27 October 2002.
The locality of agreement and the CP-domain. With Marjo van Koppen. 25th annual meeting of the Generative Linguistics of the Old World (GLOW), Amsterdam/Utrecht, the Netherlands, 9-11 April 2002.
A new approach to COMP-agreement. With Marjo van Koppen. Syntactic Microvariation Workshop, Freiburg, Germany, 29 November-1 December 2001.
The left periphery in three southern Dutch dialects. With Marjo van Koppen. 16th Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop (CGSW), Montréal, Canada, 5-6 May 2001.
Why cliticisation to C is not complementizer agreement. With Marjo van Koppen. Linguistics in the Netherlands, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 3 February 2001.
Pronominal subject doubling in Dutch dialects. With Marjo van Koppen. 9th Conference of the Student Organisation of Linguistics in Europe (ConSOLE), Lund, Norway, 8-10 December 2000.
Dutch clitics and phonology. With Marjo van Koppen. Phonologica Lvgdvno Batavorum Extra Muros MM, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 25 September 2000.
On subject clitic doubling and object clitic placement in Dutch dialects. With Marjo van Koppen. Syntactic Microvariation Workshop, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 30-31 August 2000.
Van as a marker of dissociation: microvariation in Dutch. 15th Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop (CGSW), Groningen, the Netherlands, 26-27 May 2000.
Complementerend van: microvariatie in het Nederlands. Linguistics in the Netherlands, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 5 February 2000.
Be- opnieuw beargumenteerd. With Ineke van der Meulen. Linguistics in the Netherlands, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 5 February 2000.